I'll get to work. But what happened to our arcade games list?!?!
I am the founder of the VGEC (Videogame Enthusiasts' Committee). I'm a fan of the videogame companies Namco and Capcom. Other than that, I'm just an average Newgrounder. P.S. I know it's Namco Bandai but correct me and I'll split your head like a melon
Age 32, Male
VGEC Leader & Poet.
VGEC Headquarters.
Joined on 7/6/08
I'll get to work. But what happened to our arcade games list?!?!
It didn't work out because barely anybody put submissions in.
ah. gotcha. well I got my submits in to you quite on time i believe. guess that shows who is truly dedicated. *wink wink* lol
Are you coming on to me?
Haha that's what we call a reversal.
Man it's been awhile
Heh, no shit!
Megaman Trigger
Need descriptions.
Corpral Heart from Timesplitters
That was my favorite character, because of her look, and her attitude. It was just great, and she made a very dramatic death scene. She was the greatest partner to Cortez, just for those things and the fact they looked so... fitting.
Knights of the Nine from TES: Oblivion
They were awesome, but horrible in groups, because they always focused on one enemy. They easily started riots, but they had depressing discussions about the dead knights later on. Another favorite for drama.
Any dwarf.
Come on, they are fucking awesome. They drink, beat the shit out of all their enemies, and are the heartiest characters usually.
I will finish the remaining two later.
Give me the rest by PM. Thanks dude.
that guy from contra
They need to have descriptions.