View Profile albatross412
I am the founder of the VGEC (Videogame Enthusiasts' Committee). I'm a fan of the videogame companies Namco and Capcom. Other than that, I'm just an average Newgrounder. P.S. I know it's Namco Bandai but correct me and I'll split your head like a melon

Age 31, Male

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VGEC Headquarters.

Joined on 7/6/08

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Videogame Traditions, Gimmicks, Flaws, and etc.

Posted by albatross412 - June 10th, 2009

Anywhere you go videogames always seem to follow a certain ritual of flaws, gimmicks, and whatnot. They can be from videogames as old as your local arcade to ones just birthed from the vaginal lips of the modern industry. Here is a list of ones you may recognize.

The Lava Level
Every videogame always has to have a fiery cespool met with a large flaming reptilian boss at the end.

The Jungle Level
The medium difficulty level that is never easy to find your way through.

Easy Tutorials
Even when you know how to play the damn game you must trudge your way through an agonizingly easy but slow how-to level.

Cheat Codes
Although a dying breed some games stay true to retro fun. From invincibilty to level skips. Cheat codes are just oodles of fun.

Mediocre Movie Games
Games made within a month of the premier of an overly hyped movie that always seems to disappoint. *Cough, Waterworld.*

Side Scrolling
You have to jump over the deadly hole meanwhile in real life you would simply move around it.

Double Jumping
Starting to become a dying breed as well. A little extra oomf to reach that treasure or close that precarious gap.

What better way to have frustration in a game than an unwanted occurance in the game's graphics or function in general. Sometimes these are beneficial and hilarious.

Easter Eggs
From hidden pictures to disappointing rewards. Enjoy difficult to find crap that you look for only to assure yourself that it's there.

A super-powered enemy that takes a little more struggle to overcome. Games that lack these baddies obviously don't have the cohones to handle them.

In-Game Advertisements
Me: C'mon die already Bowser!
Mario: Drink diet Coke to save Peach.
Me: Gulp, gulp, gulp.
Peach: Thanks for saving me. Drink more diet Coke.
Me: *Running out to the nearest Wal-mart.

Overly Priced
Despite the fact that the gaming public knows a game is about to flop they still want you to pay full price for it.

Gamers' Choice
Games that only cost you a maximum of $20 and are still good a couple years after it's release.

Absurd objectives that force you to play unwanted missions to advance the story. Some are actually fun.

Turn Based
Cloud: Hi-yah!
Enemy: Ow that hurt! It's my turn!
Cloud: No it isn't. Hi-yah!
Enemy: You cheated! It wasn't your turn to attack!
Cloud: Who the hell says so!?

Tiny bits of currency that may actually be able to be spent or used to boost your score by a miniscule amount.

Piss off other players with a snappy pose. But then again you leave yourself open. Hehe, karma.

The top three initials on any arcade machine. Always taunting you with its default high score.

The cheapest lifesavers a game has to offer. At higher levels you have to spring for higher potions. Damn inflation.

Leveling Up
You just got stronger. Whoopdy doo. What? You can't level up any more?! Well what are you going to do now?

Horrible AI
None of your allies or enemies ever act to basic instruction or common sense.

Bad Camera Controls
80% of videogames today have cameras. A small minority of that percentage have decent camera controls. For just two complaints a day you will...most likely not change anything.

Characters clash in the universe of another to ally with eachother or beat the living hell out of one another. I prefer the second option.

What your daddy used to waste his life. Today you play for free.

Kill Screens
A way of a game saying "You've had enough, put down the joystick". A signal that your in need of help.

Videogame Remakes
Either mediocre, decent, or horriby remastered versions of the classics. Usually includes bonus content and additional modes.

Have the game play at the level you are comfortable with. Yet, you feel vaguely empty knowing the hard mode taunts you not completed.

Scratches and Dust
If you see some wear-and-tear on your disk or cartridge, you may need to spring for a new copy.
Dust in cartridge-blow into it
Dirty disk-lick it and wipe it off with your shirt
Scratches-your boned my friend

Impossible Bosses
The one baddy you can't beat. Either you have your friend beat him for you or break out the invincibility cheat.

The Final Boss
The badest baddy. The only obstacle that seperates you from ultimate loserdome. God speed my friend.

The Rival
The one character that strives to beat you. Usually pissy but enthusiastic and can make a good late-game boss fight.

First Person
A view that actually makes you believe you are the hero. But you're not.

This can either flaunt your superior skill or your horribly suckish gaming prowess.

Online Play
The only place where the terms noob and pwn are socaciably acceptable. But please don't say these terms in public.

The One Hit Kill
The most dreaded move in any game. Prepare to cry.

The High Score
The pinnacle of scoring. But in truth nobody is really going to care how many barrels you jumped over.

Yay! You get to die all over again! Weeeeee!

The Game Over Screen
You never want to see this screen as it is a realization of how utterly you have failed yourself.

Save Points
Usually spaced far apart but the biggest relief a gamer can come by.

Pretty much tells you how good a game will be.
-Teen-Okay getting good
-Mature-Now we're talking
-Adults Only-Good times ahead

Commemerative & Expansion Packs
You get these by either reserving a copy of the game or buying it seperately. These can be a great buy that's worth the money but can be pretty disappointing. Contributor-eightball6219

90% of cinematic trailers are misleading showing you a beautifully mastered trailer but when you buy the game you are left with a load disappointment. That is why I wait for the review and opinions from others. Contributor-eightball6219
P.S. I realize I used the word disappointment ALOT in this list.

Different Sequels
Why must a sequel function and play differently from its pedecessor. Why mess with a good thing?! *Cough, Super Mario Bros. 2 & Shadow the Hedgehog*
But these in many cases can be what the series needed. A big risk to take.

That's my list.

Back To List Index.


Let's not forget the dissapointing commemorative packs when a new game comes out and the trailers that show the game in the most awsome way, but it has nothing to do with the gameplay

I'll add it. I totally agree.

I totally agree with the games to movies thing *cough* Super Mario Move

I actually meant movies to games but yeah I completely know where you're coming from. That movie bit serious ass.

i see you from my home state PA, GO eagles and steelers. i really wanted a eagles steelers game but freakin eagles had to lose like always freakin gets on my nerves but i love em. im glade the steelers won i would rather steelers win then any other team but eagles lol.

Nobody can compare to the Steelers Nation. 6 Superbowl wins! Hell yeah!

haha leave the eagles alone. yes we have 0 we will win 1 soon i hope.

They're a great team no doubt. They're gonna get that trophy one day. I gaurantee it!

you should add how a game changes completley from the game before it like how gta4 was nothing like 3,2,1 i mean the cheat codes ther are close to none. you cant get achievments and its way to different then others. idk i mean how some games are way different then the game that came out b4 it. how games sell out and dont expend to other consoles like metal gear solid 4. halo 3. thats annoying i wanted to get metal gear solid 3 but only have a xbox 360.or how final fantasy 14 is going to be on the ps3. you could add how bosses are annoying with the way syou have to kill them. you have to hit this spot to kill him or you have to shot the lights out so they cant see thngs like that for final boses i want a weapon and run around and attack it and do damage and make it fun and fast pace not slow and boring where there are sertain times you can acaully hit the boss. you can put it in your own words haha im slow and stupid and run on and on ndont make sense.

Annoying bosses are coincidentally the theme of my next list.

hey if you like zelda more thats fine with me 100%. you are who you are and i dont want to change what games you like and dont like. zelda isnt bad i like it just not more then final fantasy 7 or 10, the newest zelda for the wii i have to say was horrible. im glade i was a kid and got to play final fatasy maybe thats why i like it so much i grew up playing it. ive grew up playing nitedno then moved on to play station then xbox. ive played just about every single final fantasy game from 1,2,3,7,8,9,20,10/2,12, will play 13. ive played a few zelda games and liked them but not that much. i think we can agree RPG'S are the best games. from fallout 3 to oblivon, bioshock, to zelda, final fantasy, star ocean and so amny more. RPGS are the best.

and no problem about that you gave the best answer so i show repsect and give you credit. i just like to find the nice people on this site that dont just yell or hate you for anyhting they can think of. just tons of rude people on this site.

Yeah I like RPG's because the character is you make him, her, or it to be. I'm not trying to force you to like Zelda. No game pleases everyone after all.

go to <a href="http://eightball6219.newgrounds.com/">http://eightball6219.newgrounds.com/</a> for a important public announcement

I'll check it out.

nice, sort of didn't read all of it, but still icy.

You no read all of it? *Single tear with sniffle*

hey dude just giving u a heads up on my new post

Don't worry, I'll look.


You have honored my forerunners.

I agree with most of these facts, if not with all of them. Cheats are fine sometimes, but if you have 'supah-powerz' and nearly everything and you're invincible in the game then the game itself is no fun at all. Of course, I'm not speaking about cheats that you need to pass a certain complicated level.

Sequels are stupid aswell. They ruined a few games. For example, I used to like Top but when Top- The summoner's lineage was out, it wracked the damn 1st part. This is what pisses people off. Ruining good games...chesses.

It really sucks that a company ruins an original concept. Thanks for understanding but it is peacefulsniper who contributed that section of the list.

im going to make the best rpg u hjust wait lol. not acually make it just take things from games and make a great game ill make a blog.

Sounds pretty tasty.

read the rpg that should be made. a bunch of games concepts added to amke 1 game check it out.

I'll give it a look.

haha i didnt see it that way but ok im ash ketchum and your gary we are now rivals to the end hahah. but its not really like what your doing its a list of parts of an RPG from different games to make the greatest RPG. like youd look at the story line from ff10 and use parts from it and look at the world of fallout 3 and use ideas of the land scape and all that. i think you know what i mean hahha.

Of course I know and it's you're element with whole RPG compilement. Besides if you make me Gary Oak then I'd ultimately lose in the end. Curses!