An index to the VGEC's previous lists and ones I made prior to the committee's founding.
Please feel free to click on any of the following lists.
Current and Past VGEC Lists:
Favortie Musical Pieces in Videogames (with video) Part 2.5.
Favorite Musical Pieces in Videogames (with video) Part 2.
Favorite Musical Pieces in Videogames (with video) Part 1.
Greatest Videogames of All Time (Dedicated to the VGEC)
Favorite Characters in Gaming.
Best Death Sequences in Gaming (Cinematic or In-game).
Favorite Weapons/Items (Hero or Villain).
Videogames' Most Annoying Bosses and Boss Concepts.
Lists I Made Before the VGEC's Founding:
Videogame Traditions, Gimmicks, Flaws, and etc.
Non-videogame Related List(s) (Different Media):
Expect more from the VGEC. Here are the guidelines if you're interested in joining:
VGEC Rules, Guidelines, and etc.
VGEC Security & Videogame Clash-ups:
Polls & Additional Questions:
Please Note: This index will be updated with each list completed by the VGEC. A link to this index will be available in each new and old list.
-The VGEC has been disbanded. So no use trying to join or anything, just enjoy the lists we made during the VGEC's lifetime.
VGEC Farewell Page (unincluded music).
Members List:
These were the mebers that made the VGEC what it was. I won't link their pages since a good majority of them have left Newgrounds.
Albatross412 (Leader)
Thelightning55 (Veteran)
Eightball6219 (Veteran)
Blacksun256 (Veteran)