View Profile albatross412

39 Movie Reviews

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Interesting Teaser.

This is a very interesting teaser and I can't wait to see what genre of movie this will bring. With what happened in the trailer would suggest some action elements blended with some humor as well. This might make a very cool idea for a movie.

Decievingly Dark.

The rubber house style working of this flahs is deceptive in which the events of Columbine are put into the style of Walt Disney's better days. With the added humor of putting Mike Judge's Hank Hill on the propane tanks used for detonation was humorous in a satirical way. I actually liked thismovie quite a bit.


This is very enjoyable. The background music suits the flash very well and the more chil-like squiggly outlining makes this flash an attention grabber and feigns its innoccence even with the implemention of butt secks" and the funny ending. Despite lack of voice acting, it works because I would have felt it to be inappropriate for this work. Good work.

Randomness Done Nicely.

If this is you're first attempt at random and tangential comedy you've done well. The main character was delightfully funny and the clips for just about every line or joke was executed well. But I would've lost the ending; it just didn't fit at all, even for a movie like this. But overall this is very good.

ClockworkPixel responds:

the ending was a last minute thing but you know thanks for the review :)

Very Nice.

This is really good. The squiggled design was very appropriate for the characters but there was not as much of the zombie aspect that I would liked to have seen. A funny short with a nice surprise ending.

I Never Knew.

I always knew animation was a long an arduous process but now i have seen the process happen before my eyes. To see quality animation and its process opened my eyes even more and I have a new appreciation for truly gifted flash animators.

This Could Be Better.

I liked this movie quite a bit but it's just too short. I would love to see it with sound effects with a good length and this can really be an interesting movie.

berserka11 responds:

ill try and make this a longer animation thanx for feed back


Despite being in another language (Russian I presume), this was pretty funny. Nice use of comedic timing and facial expressions. Well done.

Artyluck responds:

Yeah, that was russian. Thank you. :)

Good Talent.

A balance of seduction and creepiness without having to stoop to pornography well defines this flash. The color scheme and character interactions were quite well done but not as good as their facial expressions. The only thing deterring the score is length, but then again it is a short. Well done.

Gate-keeper-girl responds:

I like flashes short, because it helps me focus on the goal, and keep the plot focused.

Someday I'll start coming out with longer submissions again, but right now, my schedule doesn't allow it.

Thanks for the great review!


My point exactly.

Shadow the Hedgehog looked to have potential but not so. Give the Sonic universe a gun and you get a mediocre game with a Clint Eastwood lisp to Shadow's voice. Kudos to the animation for pointing out the game's obvious flaws such as the constant complaints from in game characters no matter what you do. The characters were drawn with exceprional accuracy and the animation did real well parodying their personalities. I couldn't help but laugh at this satiracal work of a truly good flash animation.

I am the founder of the VGEC (Videogame Enthusiasts' Committee). I'm a fan of the videogame companies Namco and Capcom. Other than that, I'm just an average Newgrounder. P.S. I know it's Namco Bandai but correct me and I'll split your head like a melon

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